Monday, June 14, 2010

I May Be an Overly Sensitive, Anxious, People-Pleasing Drama Queen, But I'm Not Crazy (and other inspiring thoughts from Amy)

I feel so misunderstood sometimes, but it's okay :-).
I think that everyone is a little bit crazy, like, FOR REAL crazy (cuck-oo in the head, imbalanced, bipolar, narcissistic...etc.). So this is for the general public to read, since we're all, you know...crazy. And I say this with complete sensitivity because I work with special education kids who deal with this on a day-to-day basis in the school/life environment. But just because some of us aren't diagnosed, that doesn't mean we don't exhibit very real traits of craziness every day, especially under stress and pressure. I also know that in all of the psychology classes I have taken, the professors always tell you that you are going to think that you have every disorder in the book. This is not from a psychology book though. This is just from me!

Here are my disorders in order of importance and severity:
Overly Sensitive Drama Queen
People Pleaser (Narcissistic Type...there really isn't any other kind anyways. people pleasing is always selfish)
Anxiety (Clean House Type and Appearing Happy Type)
Slight Paranoia
Not Letting Negative Comments Ever Be Forgotten-ism
There's Always A Chance I'm Either Pregnant or PMSing So I Don't Need Another Excuse For Being Mean To You Disorder
The I Don't Trust Other Women Until I Know Them Really Well Disorder
and the famous If You Unfairly Criticize Someone I Love Especially My Husband (or kids) I Will Secretly Want To Punch You In The Face Disorder

Here is my list of "medications" for my disorders:
The Blood of Jesus Christ and His More-Than-Sufficient Grace
The Truth of Scripture and "taking every thought captive" (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Other People Telling Me That They Feel The Same Way And We Are In This Boat Together
Peanut Butter Indulgence

So there you have it. I'm not crazy. I'm just a sinner that Jesus saved with all kinds of crazy traits. But the most important thing is that I have people around me who accept me for me and we all point one another in the right direction of the Cross and keep pushing one another that way. And we help one another laugh at ourselves. No criticism, judgement, or "diagnosing" necessary. Just love, acceptance, and encouragement that sometimes comes in the form of challenging someone to toughen up and stop being so dramatic. :-)